Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, March 1st at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Stepping Into Uncertainty

How do we figure out what to do when things don’t go as planned? We might have had a certain course of action planned out for our life… when the universe steps in and prevents things from going that way. 

So how can we listen to the language of the universe, while also figuring out how to actively make things happen?

Another way to ask this is: How do we know when to push harder, vs. when to let go?


Sometimes the certainty of having something that’s not working is easier than the uncertainty of not having anything at all!

This is what causes us to cling to situations that aren’t working for us – because at least there’s certainty there! So it takes a ton of courage to step out into uncertainty, into a new situation that we know nothing about.

We actually have an intrinsic, wired need for certainty. So overcoming this and stepping out into a courageous, uncertain place takes a ton of conscious effort and dedication. Ultimately, it’s about navigating the fine line between actively creating your life, and noticing the subtle signs pointing for you to surrender and let go, allowing another course of action to come into play. 

Big Idea #2: Creating Real Results

How can you create a plan of action that will set you up for an amazing year ahead?

Ask yourself: What would have to happen for this coming year to be the best year of your life?

Once you figure out the primary objective that’s going to make the biggest difference for you – then what’s a plan of action you can take to build momentum in that direction? How can you map out what will be most effective way to get there?

What gets measured gets done! So when it comes to making tangible progress, it’s best to find a way to track or record the work you’re putting in, and the results you’re getting out. This helps you adjust as you go, and really track to make sure that you are getting results from all of your efforts.

Big Idea #3: Project Time Periods

When you’re setting goals for your aspiring projects, it’s often helpful to shorten the time period that you give yourself. If you initially say that you’d like to achieve your goal in a year, for example – try shortening that to a few months. It might seem like a huge stretch – but if you really commit, you can get it done. 

Once you get it done, then you’ll have way more clarity around whether this is something you wanna continue pursuing! Maybe it’s a hell yes – and you start to create even more. Or maybe it’s a no – and you haven’t wasted all of this time planning out a project for the next year – you get your clarity in a shorter time frame, and you can strategize and move forward from there. 

Let’s connect!

Tell us how your challenge goes in the Facebook group!!!