Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, March 15th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Dealing With Money Fears

There’s so much stigma and taboo around money, and what it means about you if you talk about money! Somehow our society has created this belief that if you talk about money, then you’re greedy, sleazy, materialistic…etc!

This social stigma keeps us shackled in a place of oppression. We’ve been taught that we should have shame around mastering this part of ourselves around wealth and our value.

If we want to make an impact in the world, we’re taught to believe that it’s either or: We either sell out at a job we hate, OR we do what we love but live the “starving artist” life. The evolution of this, is to integrate BOTH of these things: How to do what you love, so that as a result, you are financially compensated.

And then with that money we earn – we use it for things that help us to live our purpose. There is nothing immoral about that! Money is part of what enables us to live our purpose.

So how do we work through our fears around money? First, just notice what fears are there. And how can you bring more playful energy into your interactions with money and conversations around money, so that you’re speaking with this person from a creative and inspired place?

Secondly, work the muscle! Yes – sometimes it will be super uncomfortable to talk about money – and sometimes you will be a big NO. Consider this a good thing! You’re building a muscle that will become stronger and more resilient, and you’ll start to have way more fun in the process.

Big Idea #2: Understanding the Ego

The ego is often demonized, but is it possible for the ego to actually be a positive thing?

First of all, let’s look at what the ego is, anyway. The ego is basically a combination of our attributes, beliefs, fears, identities… everything that we’ve developed since childhood. You can think of your ego as your personality, or your identity – it’s the persona that you present to the outside world. 

We can use the identity that create for ourselves as social proof, to support what’s in our heart. For example, if you are Oprah – you can use this identity to create change, connect with people who make a difference, spread your message on a vast scale, etc. In this way, the ego is used positively for us to live in alignment with what matters most to us.

Essentially – we want to create an identity that allows what’s in our heart to be expressed and lived in the world.

Big Idea #3: Falling in Love With The Process

When you’re working towards your goals, it’s so important to make sure that you’re finding enjoyment in the actions that you’re taking. So many of us live in a paradigm of “when, then”. “WHEN [insert thing that I want to happen, happens], THEN [insert feeling that I want to feel, happens.]

“When I’m in a relationship, then I’ll feel peace and whole.”

“When I finally get to travel around the world, then I’ll feel free.”

This is actually a toxic mindset that we want to get rid of!

In reality, goal-setting is kind of like peeing! It’s more a temporary release of tension that feels good – and then you go back to feeling how you normally feel!

So we wanna work on improving how we normally feel, instead of trying to constantly reach these goals and achieve a temporary high state.

People who are happiest and most fulfilled focus their goals on 3 types of INTRINSIC things: 

  • Relationships
  • Growth
  • Contribution

On the contrary, goals focused extrinsically (money, fame, beauty, power) – just for the sake of achieving them – don’t lead to happiness. These things in themselves aren’t bad – we just don’t want to make them our ultimate objectives.

So where are you falling into “when, then” thinking? And how can you shift into falling in love with the process of working towards your intrinsic goals? 

Let’s connect!

Stay connected throughout the week in the Facebook group!!!