Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, April 26th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Choose What You Focus On

Oftentimes as we follow our own path in life, we divert from old friends people from our past. So what do we do when we go back home and we’re not invited to events like weddings with these old friends? How do we deal with the discomfort that arises?

First of all, just notice that you’re bothered by the situation. That means you’re human!

Secondly, you have a couple of choices here. You can choose to ruminate and let it bother you… or you can choose to change your thoughts and change your behavior. You have the power to focus your attention on what matters, and on what you DO want (versus what you don’t want.)

So instead of focusing on feeling excluded or awkward about not being invited, focus on what’s going to improve your life: exercise, self-care, working on your business… whatever’s going to make you feel amazing and help take your life to the next level! 

Big Idea #2: Give People the Experience of What You Do

If you’re a coach – how can you specifically explain what it is that you really do?

Imagine that nobody in the world knows what “coach” means. If that’s the case – describe what it is that you do!

Just to say “I coach” doesn’t mean much. But when you can clarify exactly who you serve and what you help them with, that itself will bring a ton more clarity.

For example: “I help people get clear on their purpose and turn their dreams into reality.”

The next step is to say: “Would you like to have an experience of that?”

If you can solve problems – boom, you’re going to SHOW someone how you can improve their life, rather than just tell them about it. When you give people an experience of what you do – that’s when people will start asking how they can work with you.

Big Idea #3: Having the “Money Conversation”

How can we turn fear into excitement when making a proposal to a potential client to work with us? 

Instead of making it about you and thinking about the fear you feel – frame the question like this:

“Would you like to commit to changing your life?” 

Money is a symbol of your client’s commitment to their change. When they put money down, something shifts inside of them that already starts the process of transformation.

So bringing up the “money conversation” doesn’t need to be a big scary thing – because it’s not about you. It’s about inviting your client to step up into their own change process and commit to transformation.

Let’s connect!

Stay connected throughout the week in the Facebook group!!!