Here we are with another great week of IC wisdom for ya! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Next week’s IC call will be on Monday, July 6 at 5pm/EST. Mark it down!! 🙂

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: Starting Out Your Business

Creating a business is similar to creating a baby – in that it’s often overwhelming just by its nature! So what can we do to move through the confusion, into clarity?

Simply ask yourself: where is there a fear, frustration or pain that someone is experiencing? Where is there discomfort happening, that you can help ease? This will not only create a fulfilling way for you to help improve someone’s life, but it will also create wealth.

Oftentimes though, giving your services for free in the beginning is a great way to start. Working for free, you start to notice what’s actually helpful and what’s not – so you get better at what you do. And as you start to see what’s really working, you’ll become confident charging for what you’re doing – because you can really stand behind it!

You may not even need marketing in the traditional sense, especially when you’re just starting out. Get into conversations with people about the work that you do. Focus on helping people so much that they rave about you to others. Create the space for powerful conversation and processes, and you will create a difference in your life and business, and the lives of those around you.

Big Idea #2: The 80/20 Principle

What small percentage of actions create the biggest difference? Did you know that 20% of actions create 80% of your results? What this means, is that 80% of the things you’re spending your time on, aren’t actually producing many results! If you’re a coach, your 80/20 actions are getting into conversations with people.

So let go of amping up your website and creating those sweet business cards. These are probably some of the actions that might be fun right now, but aren’t making a huge difference for you. So ask yourself: what actions are REALLY making the BIGGEST positive difference in my life and business? And what can I do right NOW to get those things started?

Big Idea #3: Be Authentic + Trust Your Curiosity

Where did we enter into this paradigm that vulnerability = weakness?! Step out of that now, and show your REAL self, show up in life authentically! We create epic things in life when we bring our entire heart and soul, when we bring ALL parts of ourselves.

Be willing to share more about yourself than people generally share. Be willing to be human – share your insecurities, your vulnerabilities, your REAL-ness. Give the inside views into who you are and what’s in your heart. The more that you share from your heart, the more people will feel it in their heart, and remember you and be excited about continuing to engage with you.
Another part of showing up super authentically in life is being open to following and trusting your curiosity. When we’re coming into life authentically, our curiosity and intuition will be heightened! Following these can lead you to a deeper place in yourself that you wouldn’t have gotten to if you had followed logic and reason alone. Follow the intertwined path of curiosity and intuition with bliss, and just see what amazing places it takes you!

Other resources:

Check out this video where Jacob talks about turning around a bad situation:

Let’s connect!

What are your thoughts on the above? We’d love to hear ’em in our secret Facebook group.