Escape Your Commute.

I was super stoked (not to be confused with super soaked) on Tuesday morning when i published the posting: A Non-Conformist’s Deliberate Day Dream. The topic of people looking for an escape really touched on something that i’ve been interested in for a while now. I physiologically had a strong resonance with how i was able to articulated the idea. If you haven’t read that post yet, go no further, start there.

Tuesday afternoon i jumped on (okay, walked in) the train to Manhattan. As George Carlin would say, i’m not getting on the train, i’m getting in the train! Let Evil Kenevil get on the train!!

I was all juiced up from that day’s posting and as i sat back a took a quick glance at my fellow train members, i couldn’t believe my eyes.

More Escape…

Escape Long Lines.Escape Your Chores.

It was like the whole train was talking to me, screaming: ESCAPE, ESCAPE!! Dude, chill out, i’m happy here homey.

Taking up an entire side of a subway car with ads from one company seems to be an advertising trend. I’m sure marketing geniuses have figured out that this method must work madness on our minds.

Now i’m curious. I looked at the other side of the train and what did i see?


Vacation Time!

I apologize for the horrid picture quality here. My iPhone is 14 years old and has Parkinson’s Disease. If the picture would read clearly, you would see that the text included the word “happy” several times. Kinda’ like, go on vacation, and you can finally be happy…

Well screw vacation, take a look around Sensophy. If you can’t find something here on the site that makes you happy, call me and we’ll work on it together!

On Purpose,



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