Here’s a copy of the newsletter i sent out to the Sensophy family today.


Hey Homey.


Let’s keep it completely real…


Two questions for you. Here’s the first:


Why did you sign up to get this newsletter?


Think back for a second.


Was it because you wanted the Happiness Habits report? Or did you read something on Sensophy that touched your heart and inspired your sense of what’s possible with your life?


Maybe it was when we did the impossible and got Gary Vee to take me to the Jets game. Or it could have been when we tapped into the “unrealistic” accomplishments of 48 people and saw how they defied what others said was possible in search of something more personally meaningful.


You signed up for a reason. See if you can remember why.


Here’s something I don’t often mention on Sensophy:


It’s my reason why. Not just why I created the email you’re receiving… not just why I created that thing that inspired you… but why I started Sensophy back in June of 2010.


My WHY was this.


Flashback. March 2010. Picture it. Hawaii. Me. Shirtless. Daily 4 mile jogs to and from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Headphones in ears. Wisdom in heart. Wondering. Imagining. Exploring. Discovering. Opening. Dreaming. Living. Possibilitizing.


Now rewind 1 year. March 2009. NYC. Slacks. Shoes. Water-coolers. Weekdays. Stress. Anxiety. Emptiness. Depression. And over 150 emails per day in my inbox. “Fix this. That broke. Email’s aren’t sending. PCs won’t boot.” Welcome to the IT help desk.


My job: Put out fires. Calm freaking out people down. Fix problems. Create solutions. Manage emotions. Remain tranquil.


Good pay, yes. Good vibes, no.


It was a classic case of doing what society told me I “should” do. Get the job. Pay the bills. Shut up and take it. Don’t ask questions. Questions could expose the smoking mirrors and unravel the illusion.


I was faking the funk. Pretending it was all good when it wasn’t. Wishing there was more but not having the slightest clue what it would be.


Living On Purpose? I was about the furthest thing from it. But in retrospect, it was exactly where I needed to be at the time. Just as, whether you realize this or not, you’re exactly where you need to be right now.


How do I know this?


Because it’s exactly where you are!!


Fast forward back to Hawaii. Peace. Tranquility. Equanimity. Soul. Love. Excitement. Life. I remember asking myself the question, “What one great thing would I dare to dream, if I knew I couldn’t fail?”


MAN. Even just allowing myself to ask that question was a world away from my comfort zone. Think Earth to Mars. Well, I came up with an answer to that question that 3 months later, June 2010, would turn into the launch of Sensophy.


Here it was:


I’d inspire and empower a million people to feel the changes that I’ve felt in my life. That was it!! I just wanted you to know it was possible. I wanted you to experience that feeling of emptiness being metamorphosized into peace and fulfillment. That was my ultimate dream.


After another 3 months of conscious living and consistent journaling, I came to it. It was where my skills (writing, technology, art), met my excitement (wisdom, living an extraordinary life, travel), in service to you (inspiration and empowerment).


BOOM. The big bang. Welcome: Sensophy!


Early on, Sensophy was about asking quality questions. Then we talked about my extraordinary travel tales. And eventually, it evolved into everyday epiphanies. This is where an extraordinary life was taking me.


14 months, 110+ posts published, and 25,000 different visitors later, here we are. With exponential growth in mind, a million people inspired and empowered isn’t all that far away.


Here comes that second question which I’ve got for you…


When I left my career last year, I had a certain amount of money budgeted and saved. That’s what’s enabled me to spend the last 14 months pouring myself completely into Sensophy for as much as 60 hours some weeks.


I purposely didn’t wanna dilute the purity here. Why would I cut off the direct line of communication to my soul just to make a couple quick dollars. At the time, I worked strictly for karma because I could.


Faith. Faith. Faith.


But in the next couple of months, I’ll come to a different position financially. And I’m doing everything I can right now to make sure it’s a pleasurable position. One that insures the survival and growth of Sensophy.


In other words. It’s time to make a living here!!!


Welcome: Living On Purpose!


This is the guide I wish I had read 2 years ago. I’ve gone out and created, what I believe to be, an extraordinary amount of value for anyone who’s in a similar situation as I was: Doing “the right thing” and not being fulfilled by it.


Then I asked myself, “How can I create even MORE value?” as if writing a guide for people to find THEIR PURPOSE IN LIFE wasn’t the most valuable thing you could think of.


So, I created 40+ exercises to go with the 160 pages in the Living On Purpose guide. Then I said, well, some people may prefer to hear it then to read it. Welcome: the *audio* version.


And other people may rather watch it than listen to it. Welcome: the *video* version.


Plus, I think people could really benefit from other People On Purpose’s viewpoint. Then I went out and interviewed 10 extraordinary people who’ve found their purpose in order to see how they could help you do the same.


August 30th, 2011, all of this will be available.


Now, in my heart, I know I’ve create a package of ridiculous value here. But that’s only ½ the work. The other ½ is directing people to that value and having them purchase it.


Well, here’s question number two:


Do you know any ways I can drive an obscene amount of traffic to Sensophy on August 30th for the official launch of Living On Purpose?


Maybe you have a connection at a big online publication like The Huffington Post or and could introduce me so we can schedule a guest post that day. Or maybe you have a relationship with one of your favorite bloggers who has a massive following. I’d love to get them involved by submitting a guest post, doing an interview with them, having them review Living On Purpose, or even offering them a 51% affiliate kick back.


Whether it’s promoting Living On Purpose with your own social network, or tapping into your connections, any help you can contribute here will make all the difference in how we can continue to inspire and empower people.


Homey, this would mean the world to me!


Exciting times!!


Talk soon.

On purpose,



PS: Sensophy’s  new website design is coming soon. My buddy Mike Bridgman is helping to pump something sweet out within the next week or two. It’s been another behind the scenes project in the works for a while. WORD!