Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #10

Welcome to week #10! This week’s call was a doozy. So many people raised their hands to contribute or simply showed up on the call to listen in and soak up the energy. And we *still* keep getting blown away over here by the connections and level of engagement in the Facebook group. Thank you so much for giving this your all.

Below are some of our favorite talking points from this week’s call. Take ’em in, and catch up with the MP3 recording at your leisure if you missed it live.

Talking Point #1: Shame is at the core of criticism

It might not seem like it at first glance, but when we find ourselves getting critical of others, it’s most often a sign of self-defense. Whatever we’re most insecure about in ourselves is what we’ll be most likely to pick apart in others.

And the kicker is that we’ll never criticize anyone as much as we criticize ourselves (albeit subconsciously). The first step to getting to grips with that? Awareness.

Talking Point #2: We don’t fail to follow through ’cause of a lack of finances; it’s actually a lack of faith

We bet most of us know what it’s like to start something, be consumed with excitement, and then find that the enthusiasm starts to wane after a little while. Why is that? Why do we start things with passion, but then not see them through?

This is partly because we’re afraid of failure, but also because we’re wary of doing things that force us to put our egos on the line. We might make other excuses, citing a lack of finances as the main reason we’re not progressing, but in actuality it’s a lack of faith. We may lack faith in our own abilities, but more often than not, we lack faith in the universe. We don’t trust that if we give something our all, we’ll reap the rewards of a more fulfilled life.

Last week we talked about the need to let go of what’s holding us back if we’re to move forward with the life we wanna live, and this lack of faith is something else we need to surrender. It’s all about heading into uncertainty, one baby step at a time.

Talking Point #3: Fulfillment comes from giving

It might seem paradoxical at first, but a life of fulfillment goes hand-in-hand with a life of service. Ultimately, we want to figure out what’s most important to us then see how we can create a life that allows us to honor that while being of service to the world.

Where does pain exist in relation to what you love to do? Where our pleasure meets other people’s pain is where we can create a living for ourselves, and in turn the life of fulfillment we’d all like to live.

HW + Action Steps!

Let’s keep up our connection over in the Facebook group! And don’t forget to use the hashtag #Sensophy if you have any big ideas you’d like to share on Twitter.