Sensophy’s Inner Circle: Week #8

Week 8, you guys! We’re loving the Inner Circle more than we ever thought we would. Everyone’s making it very easy for that to be the case. Going. All. In.

Below are our favorite talking points from yesterday’s call. If you missed it live, soak ’em up and catch up with the MP3 recording.

Talking Point #1: 99% is a bitch. 100% is a breeze.

We’re talking fundamentals again! :o) They’re pretty much as important as the name implies. Your fundamentals are the things you do every day that make you feel on top of your game. When you’ve got ’em covered, you know you’re set. (What are *your* fundamentals?)

The thing about fundamentals though is that we gotta go all in if we want them to be effective. If we know that meditating daily sets us up for success, you better believe that we’re gonna be getting those meditations in every day. As long as we keep blurred boundaries and negotiable commitments in place, there’ll always be that niggling voice in our heads that says it’s OK to skip what we know’s best for us. But if we make it a standard and give it our all, it’s easier to stick to our guns.

Talking Point #2: What does life look like when it works?

We recently spoke to Sean Stephenson for an upcoming virtual conference (watch this space!), and he told us that he keeps a “When Life Works” list. What a cool idea! This is pretty similar to having consistency on the fundamentals – what does life look like when it’s going exactly how you want it to go?

Get thinking about it and see what comes up for you. What do you eat when you’re feeling your best? Who do you spend your time with? What kind of activities do you do? How often do you work out, and how?

Keep the list as your point of reference for when you need a push in the right direction.

Talking Point #3: And when life *doesn’t* work…?

The antidote to despair is gratitude. When life doesn’t feel so hot (which happens), we can look to the things that we’ve been thankful for to bring us back to a place of feeling better.

What are you grateful for today? What’s made you smile? What’s going well in your life? It could be something simple; acknowledging even the little things can inject a bit of hope and happiness back into our lives.

HW + Action Steps!

Make that “When Life Works” list! :o) Start brainstorming all the things that go on when you’re feeling your best, and keep the list to hand so you can remind yourself of what you need to do when you want a lift.

Don’t forget to get involved in the discussion in the Facebook group if you’ve got something to say. Or join us on Twitter by using the hashtag #Sensophy and let us know your favorite takeaway from this week’s call.