Enough BS kicked off yesterday and our entire team here is so excited! The course is designed to address the question, “Now what?!” It’s about taking the best of the best wisdom from our recent virtual conference, WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?!, and learning how to apply it in real time and practical terms to start waking up excited.

The energy on the live call was fantastic! So many people showed up authentically, with open minds and a willingness to change their lives. Day 1 was all about finding and rocking your purpose and taking those first steps to creating a *new* roadmap to success.

Wanna view these notes as a PDF? Click here.

Takeaway #1: You don’t need to have it all figured out

So often, we think we need to know exactly where we’re going and which steps we should take to get there. Society says we should have everything mapped out and be rocking our lives with confidence. But that’s not always the case! We have a ton of options these days, making it difficult for our generation to pick a path and stick with it. How do we know we’re on the right one?!

Luckily, the fact that we have so many options means there’s a lot for us to explore. Be OK with that. Know that you’re gonna fail over and over again, and the risks you take are gonna get you where you’re meant to be. In fact, the more risks you take, the better! While you’re stalling and figuring out the steps you “should” take, you’re robbing yourself of what you *can* do. Do a bit (or a lot!) of exploration, have fun with it, and things will start to take shape.

As Brian Johnson says, if you’re patient, persistent, diligent and playful, you’re bound to be successful.

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Takeaway #2: We’ve got the formula backwards

The big myth being perpetuated by society is that being successful (in the stereotypical sense of the word) will bring you happiness. But in fact, it’s the other way around. Happiness actually comes *before* success. We think we’ll be happy when we get “there” (wherever “there” is for you), but then we get there and it ends up feeling a little flat. As Jonathan Haidt says, the feeling you get when you reach a goal is more like relief than happiness.

Happiness won’t finally be yours when things change and you get everything you thought you ever wanted. Happiness comes first. When you’re happy, *then* things will change.

And what will that look like to you? Society’s definition of success is so narrow. Spend some time defining the word for yourself. What does “success” look like to you?

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Takeaway #3: Happiness = Pleasure + *Meaning*

A lot of the time, we associate happiness with pleasure. But what we forget is that meaning is a huge part of the equation. Without a sense of purpose, happiness is short-lived. But how do you find meaning and figure out your purpose?

First, work out what’s important to you. What are your values? What makes you feel fulfilled and alive? What’s really important to you in life? Who do you most admire and what is it that stands out to you about them? Happiness comes when you’ve got your values straight and you’re living in integrity with them. Brian Johnson refers to this as the integrity gap. Imagine two horizontal lines running parallel to one another; the top line represents your values and the bottom line represents how you’re actually living your life. The further apart those two lines get, the less happy you’ll be. We want those lines to be as close together as possible so you feel like you’re staying true to yourself and living on purpose.

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Peep This Too

Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Happiness Hypothesis, flips our view of happiness on its head and proposes that happiness doesn’t come from reaching goals or even from within, but rather from getting the right relationship *between* yourself and others, yourself and your work, and yourself and something larger than you. The common factor in all those relationships? You!

Another great resource is Shawn Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage, which reinforces the idea we discussed above which says that happiness fuels success, not the other way around.

During the WTF conference, we heard from some awesome people with fresh ideas about happiness, success and purpose. Click to listen to…

HW + Action Steps!

Think about the following questions to help you figure out your values:

  • What were the 5 times in your life that you felt most alive? Why?
  • What were the 5 times in your life that you felt most fulfilled? Why?
  • Think about the 5 people you most admire. Why do you admire them?
  • What are 5 things in life that are *super* important to you?

We’d love to know what your biggest takeaways were from day 1. Leave a comment below and let us know!

If you’re on Twitter, use the hashtag #EnoughBS to chat about the big ideas and interact with the other participants.

You can still get involved

The live action might be over, but you can still grab the course and work through it at your own pace. Just click here for the info.

You can also join our private Inner Circle where we’re gonna continue these conversations weekly. Check it out!

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