Wow… What a week! SO pumped about the energy and openness that everyone brought to Enough BS. We covered a lot of ground, and this last call was a biggie; it was all about how you can get paid to do what you love *while* making a difference in the world.

If you’ve missed any of the call recaps this week, click to check out day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4.

Wanna view these notes as a PDF? Click here.

Sensophy’s Inner Circle

We may have wrapped on Enough BS, but we’re excited to keep the connection going! So we’ve opened up access to Sensophy’s Inner Circle.

For $25 per month, you can join a group chat at 5pm EST *every* Tuesday for 60 minutes (unless otherwise stated). No worries if you can’t make the call live – we’ll get you a copy of the recording the next day!

We’ll also hook you up with access to a private Facebook community where you can up-level the relationships in your life and keep the connections going with like-minded people.

You can secure your spot and sign up for Sensophy’s Inner Circle now!

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Takeaway #1: Redefine how you look at work

These days, we have more opportunities to do great work than ever before. Our career paths aren’t linear like they used to be. And there’s no stopping you from doing something extraordinary; “being realistic” won’t cut it anymore.

“The real world isn’t a place; it’s an excuse. It’s a justification for not trying.” – Rework

Yes, we need to make money in this world. But making money doesn’t have to be the sole purpose of our businesses and careers. Success (including the monetary kind) will follow when you’re expressing your purpose and living your values. Work doesn’t have to be arduous or boring. Why not treat it as a spiritual path? Look at it as a force for good, a vehicle for you to articulate your inner self and live your purpose. Think of your life as a business.

And while you’re at it, remember that you are your business’s/career’s/life’s biggest asset, so you need to treat yourself as such! Eat right, exercise, get some fresh air daily, manage your energy (we talked about this in day 3), and make sure you’re feeling good. If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of others or perform at your best.

Takeaway #2: Find your sweet spot

Your sweet spot is the intersection between your strengths, your passions, and how you can be of service. This is where the magic happens!

Start by thinking of your strengths. What are you good at? What do people thank you for? What do you do really well without even thinking about it? When we use our strengths on a daily basis, we’re happier and we perform better.

Then work out what you’re passionate about. What excites you? What can’t you *not* do? Two big questions: What do you love so much that you’d pay to do it every day? And how can you get paid to do that…? :o)

A quick note about your passion from WTF interviewee, Daniel Coyle: Don’t mistake caring about something or enjoying something for passion. Passion means you do it even when it gets tough. It’s about the willingness to do the work. Would you still put the hours in, even when it got tough?

Now, let’s think about service. We want to dedicate our lives to something bigger than ourselves. How can you make a difference, add value, and solve a problem? Don’t fall into the trap of the ‘old job’ model, which is all about what you can *get* from an employer; think about what you can *give* to the world!

“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.” – Barack Obama

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Takeaway #3: Make it all happen!

First of all, this has to be a long-term vision. Remember what we talked about on day 1? Patience, persistence, diligence and playfulness!

“You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever – because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.” – Steve Jobs

Start by getting your finances in order. If you’re in a job that doesn’t fit, it’ll be a lot easier to leave when you’re not relying on it so heavily to fund your lifestyle. The magic formula for success here?

Income > Expenses

You want to make sure that your income outweighs your expenses, so take a look at what you’re paying out and see where you can make cuts. Do you really *need* cable TV? Do you *need* to go out to dinner three times a week? Do you *need* to buy new clothes every month?

While you’re making the transition from soul-sucking to uplifting work, see if you can find something part-time that’s in alignment with your values. Are there any businesses that you admire? Any entrepreneurs that you think are killing it? How can you help them? Don’t just approach them off the cuff and be vague; offer your *specific* skills and they’ll be much more likely to sit up and take notice. Have a look at the business you’d love to work for and ask yourself, what gaps can you fill?

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Peep This Too

Don’t know what your strengths are? Take Martin Seligman’s VIA Signature Strengths Questionnaire to help you figure them out. (Scroll down the page – it’s the sixth test under ‘Engagement Questionnaires.’)

Jeff Klein and Daniel Coyle were two WTF interviewees who had a lot to say about conscious business and redefining the idea of work. Check out their interviews:

HW + Action Steps!

We’ve covered so much goodness this week. Be sure to take some time for reflection, and then ask yourself: What’s the next step in my life?

We’d love to know what your biggest takeaway has been, not only from today but from the whole week. Let us know in the comments!

You can still get involved

The live action might be over, but you can still grab the course and work through it at your own pace. Just click here for the info.

You can also join our private Inner Circle where we’re gonna continue these conversations weekly. Check it out!

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